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Intercom Plan C: Backing up the Back-up


Making the Case for Two-Step Intercom Redundancy in Broadcast and Media Production


With the complexity of live broadcast and production environments today, 特别是那些在大流行之后使用混合和远程工作流程的人, 全双工无线和有线对讲系统的成功比以往任何时候都更加重要.  If the primary IP or power connection goes out, 所有与它们相关的东西也是如此——这给广播或现场制作布景带来了潜在的灾难. 聪明的团队和工作人员会转向已经准备好的B计划——一个主要的备用配置(通常是一个单独的IP流量网络或冗余电源),以防第一个配置失败. But what if that backup plan also fails?

Then, you need a Plan C – a backup for your backup. 该计划应该基于不同的技术,而不是依赖于与计划A和计划B相同的基础设施. I was honored to byline an article for TV Technology, 换句话说,讨论广播和媒体制作中对讲机配置的拟议“C计划”, a two-step intercom redundancy fail-safe plan.

You can read the original article in TV Technology here, or below.


Unexpected communication disruptions are an unwelcome, but alas a familiar reality for live broadcast and media production teams. Known for their meticulous planning, these teams often build in a “Plan B” for any situation, including intercom redundancy.

But what happens when the back-up needs a back-up plan? That’s “Plan C.”

对讲技术已经发展到直播和生产环境中必不可少的技术水平, 随着通信从简单的对讲机发展到全双工无线和有线对讲系统.

If something goes wrong during an event, you lose the ability to communicate mission-critical or safety messages, making it extremely difficult to call a show or resolve any serious difficulties. 现代生产比前几年有更多的活动部件,需要跟踪和监控更复杂的生产资产,这使得对讲机的重要性更加突出.

No one plans to fail, they fail to plan

When designing an intercom system for a broadcast facility, “Plan A” can be defined as the ideal primary solution, 一个“愿望清单”配置,确保顺利操作和高质量生产所需的一切.

In most broadcast studios and media production facilities, 主要通信解决方案通常是基于ip的矩阵和/或作为通信骨干的数字无线系统. Everything connected to that matrix frame or wireless network — user stations, beltpacks, mixing consoles, camera control units, 工作室和现场的OB卡车之间的连接取决于该IP或无线连接的成功.

Plan B

Plan B is the primary alternate, for introducing redundancy into a comms system, and that redundancy can take many forms. 它通常是一个单独的网络,用于IP通信,以防主网络因用户错误而受到损害, an intrusion attempt, or damage caused by natural disasters like flooding, hurricanes, or earthquakes.

方案B可以使授权用户恢复到智能手机上的对讲机客户端,或者允许基于角色的系统中的某人在主设备故障时从不同的连接设备重新登录到另一个虚拟端口. Plan B also can include a checklist covering internal matrix IP card redundancy, uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), multiple controller cards, 将输出传送到目的地的多个交叉点和冗余中继线路.


To recap so far: Plan A, the ideal system. Plan B, back-up and redundancy.

Plan C

Plan C is all about just getting it done.

当一个团队根本无法使用原来的主系统时,IP连接或无线网络被中断或无法访问,就需要使用C计划. That means all communications need to come across a completely different system.

This concept is becoming more relevant in the wake of the pandemic, 是什么在人们的脑海中形成了任务关键型的替代计划需求, especially with more hybrid and remote workflows in place. 远程团队需要能够与主要的现场生产环境进行通信,以保持操作顺利运行.

计划C的目标是为冗余方案提供一个简单但至关重要的元素. 对于基于ip的矩阵系统,模拟组队线路可以作为有效的C方案. It is a separate system and not dependent on the network, 但仍然为关键人员提供足够的通信,无论他们是在现场还是虚拟.

这种类型的电池支持系统的架构非常适合紧急操作. 一根麦克风线既包含音频,又包含系统运行所需的电压, and the power requirements are small enough for UPS operation. These systems are also able to communicate with two-way radio systems, or walkie-talkies, which are commonly one of the last systems still running in emergency situations.

For a wireless system, 换句话说,在公共数据网络上运行的移动对讲应用程序或虚拟桌面客户端, non-facility-based – can also be considered. 我们看到的一个新兴趋势是,企业开始依赖虚拟对讲客户端(如十大正规体育平台的Agent-IC或亚洲最大体育平台)作为备用备份.

计划C系统的基线标准是,它必须基于不同于主要对讲基础设施的技术. It should not be reliant on the same infrastructure used by Plan A or B systems, on IP or the station’s power operations.

Scaling to the Event

For any type of production, Plan C redundancy is important, but different organizations may approach it differently. For example, an in-house adjacent Plan C will provide cover for a news system. 然而,OB卡车更容易受到干扰(电力或互联网连接)。. As a result, in a live sports environment, 生产在哪里使用现场通信连接回中央交换机, 为本地以外的任何东西配置替代模拟系统会更加复杂
communications. 在这种情况下,简单的备份音频或拨号连接到中央亚洲最大体育平台就可以了.

中央生产和生产卡车之间的通信更容易使用IP,并且不容易通过基于模拟聚会线的计划C复制. 这将是少数几个最难实现的领域之一,但是与移动电话本地连接的接口的PL可能在这里有所帮助.

通信计划的每一层都应该根据亚洲最大体育平台的规模和范围进行调整, and Plan C is no exception. 大型广播公司可以将演播室场地分离成自己的应急预案C, while smaller systems may have one Plan C system that covers different buildings.

While the reasons for activating a Plan C are never known until they happen, the reasons for having one are clear.

More organizations are migrating their systems to IP-based operation. 广播和现场活动的制作价值更加精细和复杂,停机时间的成本和后果也在增加. 远程和混合工作流的使用需要有线和虚拟对讲功能的替代解决方案.

There are myriad other reasons for having a Plan C drawn up and ready to go. Those reasons aren’t known yet – until they happen, and if they do, you are already prepared and safe.




Simon Browne is the Vice President of Product Management for 十大正规体育平台. He oversees product brand development, 所有十大正规体育平台和Trilogy communications亚洲最大体育平台的生命周期管理和定位. He has been part of the 十大正规体育平台 organization for over 30 years.